Thursday, May 8, 2008

what product does Pirates of the Caribbean has?

After three movie of Pirates of the Caribbean finish show on, many their product sell on stores and a game which names is "Kingdom heart II". Pirates of the Caribbean was also featured in Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts II. The level takes place during the events of the film, with movie characters such as Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, and Captain Barbossa making appearances. The story is modified to fit the Kingdom Hearts II storyline. That we can see how famous it is.
for example on toy, they have more then three different kind. Otherwise, each main character has their own Figure and each one have cute vision. i think the best one is Davy Jones, because his face is hard to make very clear that his face has many tentacle and those figure is very complex that i see the designer who create this is try so hard. for example on video game, they have video game on Wii,PS2,xbox360 and GBA. they makes those game on those player is very good decision. i use PS2 be example, i think most of PS fans still did not buy the PS3 which is too expensive that not everybody can have one, so most of fans still have PS2 that they make their game on PS2, because that can makes people who can play more than people who have PS3, even it making video better on PS3. You can see how they are doing well at making other product and how they do it well at marketing.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What is it about Pirates of the Caribbean that works best from a media perspective?

Pirates begins with a British Naval vessel adrift in a thick fog, fearful of pirates and on the watch for their attacks. For most of fantasy story, they create their story on Knights, Elvis and dragon. We do not have too much fantasy story is talking about Pirates, so this movie become another type of style fantasy. i just know the first and third of Pirates of the Caribbean story are really legend. first, they are talking about Aztec gold which got curse on it are discover by a boat of pirates and then they all got curse that the curse is same as legend. Third one is "At wrold's end". In the legend of pirates, the world's end is surface and only people who dead already can go there. those two of pirate legned that the movie all use it. so that is why it can makes like fantasy and create a new type of fantasy.

What have the advertisers done right?

Pirates of the Caribbean advertising got very good job on it. on their Trailer, they talk about the introduction of the story and then use some of funny part or action part to make people foucas on the adverisiting. For example, on "At World's End" they talk about those main characters should go to save Jack. afte that, the story mvoe Pirates have crisis because england navy work with Devy jones, then they both want to destroy all of Pirates. This advertisment give people two things can makes people interest. first is why they want to save jack and second one is how can they figuer out the crisis. espically, the advertisment give people a funny infromation which the reason every characters save jack is not they miss jack. some of them want to kill him. those really makes people want to know why and go to watch that movie. that is why their advertismnet is done right.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Who do you think the target audience is and why?

this movie is the first movie in the new Disy series of non-animated large-scale movies targeted at adults and families. It is high importance for Disney to have a successful start. last one i talk why they success. now i am going to talk about i think it targeted at adults and families. Disney has lot of cartoon made at every years. Actually, they were control the kids market already, so they start attacking new market that is adults which it has inculde teenager. This type of people have thier own money and hnag out with their friends or by themselves. They have more freedom than kids, so they will spend their money easier on amusement. Movie is a tpye of amusement and this market is very big, especial on the teenager, because they like spend money whaterevr they want or waste money. That is why Disy start want to target them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

why Pirates of the Caribbean makes people want to watch?

In this movie, the story is between set in 19Th century and 18 century. In that time, Caribbean has a lot of Pirates and many different mystical things. In the world history, i do not think it has too many point can like 19Th century and 18 century has many mystical can use. So the author of this story did really good job of take a good point of history. Otherwise, the author put action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance... and 'politics' that only show on third one in. politics is very hard to make it put in the story, and let it show on the action movie, especially in the action movie. Because most of action movie even they have politics in the story, but those kind of nothing in the movie. For example, in Rambo, whatever government decide to do, after that all turn to be Rambo personal massacring plan that make politics become nothing in the movie. However, Pirates of the Caribbea have an other reason makes it interesting that they choose right actor be their. For example, they use Orlando Bloom be their main character that make lot of girls went to watch the movie because of him. Those are why it can makes people want to see this movie again and again.