Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What is it about Pirates of the Caribbean that works best from a media perspective?

Pirates begins with a British Naval vessel adrift in a thick fog, fearful of pirates and on the watch for their attacks. For most of fantasy story, they create their story on Knights, Elvis and dragon. We do not have too much fantasy story is talking about Pirates, so this movie become another type of style fantasy. i just know the first and third of Pirates of the Caribbean story are really legend. first, they are talking about Aztec gold which got curse on it are discover by a boat of pirates and then they all got curse that the curse is same as legend. Third one is "At wrold's end". In the legend of pirates, the world's end is surface and only people who dead already can go there. those two of pirate legned that the movie all use it. so that is why it can makes like fantasy and create a new type of fantasy.

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